Surviving A Mass Shooting

It happens all over the world with alarming frequency. In Mass Shooting, there is usually a single person who doesn’t look suspicious with an unknown agenda, opening fire in a crowded place with an aim to kill anything that breathes. Tens even hundreds of people are caught off guard and become victims of Mass Shooting. While such situations usually take place without any prior warning or indication there is a way you can get prepared and get out of harm’s way.

According to a recent FBI study on the alarming rise of active shooting events in the US, there is a very small time frame in which these shootings take place. Most of the damage and loss of life is done in the just under 2 minutes. This means there will most likely be no police or law enforcement around when such a situation arises. Knowing what to do and doing it fast is the difference between life and death in these situations. When faced with an active shooter you won’t have time to think or formulate a plan so being prepared is your best offense.

Most mass shooters do not trust on others and are most often lone wolf attacks. This means you have to get out of the shooter’s way and stay out of his view as you make your way to safety. Make it a general rule that when you are in a building or a closed space you know where the exits are situated. It is worthwhile identifying all escapes routes in a building you frequent such as your workplace, school, grocery store, bank etc. Remember where all the doors, fire escapes, and windows are. Also, know alternate exits and passages marked for staff only as a shooter might block main doors or pathways. Always be aware of your surroundings. A crowded place is not when you should be oblivious to your surroundings with your nose to your Smartphone. Maintain an alert state of mind. If you hear loud noises or what sounds like gunfire or people screaming do not passively wait for something to happen. Get up and look around. As humans, we have an innate ability to sense danger. If you feel danger is approaching listen to your primal instincts and take action to get ready to leave.


Run like your life depends on it because it most probably does. Do not pause to formulate a plan. Those first few seconds are critical. Run away from the shooter toward an exit and grab your family members by the hand. Call for other people to follow you. This allows you to be covered by a crowd while helping save countless lives. If you have a small child with you pick them up and cover them with the front of your body as you run. Do not stop to collect your valuables no matter how important they may seem to you. A wallet, bag or cell phone is no good if you are harmed.


If you are unable to run away from a shooter, then hide. If you are in a room lock the door, switch off the lights and hide behind any large object that can stop bullets such as a desk or cupboard. Make a 911 call if you are able to; make sure help is on the way. Then switch off your cell phone, you don’t want a text message beep or inbound call to give away your hiding place. Stay away from windows and doors. If the room has large cupboard or bathroom hide inside these as they offer additional protection.

If you are not in a room or cannot find one, hide behind large objects that offer the most protection. Do not get up from your place of hiding until you have proof that law enforcement has arrived. Do not unnecessarily give up your hiding place to see where the shooter is if things get quite. Stay in hiding until someone comes to get you and the situation is clearly under control.


If the worst case scenario takes place and you have nowhere to run or hide, then attack and fight back. While this might seem foolhardy in some cases this is your best shot of staying alive. Think of it this way, if you cannot run or escape and there is nowhere for you to hide you will probably get shot anyway. This is the worst case scenario where you have nothing to lose if you attack the shooter. Attack the shooter suddenly and with force. Do it from the side or from behind. These positions make it very hard for the shooter to take aim at you and fire. Put your entire body force into it. Try to surprise the attacker, while he catches his bearings try to disarm him and point the weapon away from yourself.

If you are not alone attack the shooter as a team. More people equal more force and a greater likelihood of disarming the shooter. An additional advantage of attacking as a team is that since there is more than one person it is more difficult for the shooter to take aim and fatally shoot someone. If you can arm yourself too; do it. Anything can become an improvised weapon such as a fire extinguisher or a chair. Anything heavy that you can pick up and throw at the shooter will buy you time to run away or injure the attacker.

It is important to remember, only attack a shooter if there is no other option and you are cornered. Whenever possible run and get out of harm’s way as quickly as possible. Help other people if you can, sometimes people might with freeze out of fear and refuse to move. If this situation occurs, grab the person and drag them along with you. Always give priority to your own safety, if the people if weighing you down then run yourself.

The best way to escape from an active shooter is to be prepared and aware. Keep a keen eye on your surroundings. Know your exits and keep a look out for any signs of danger at all times. Active shooters depend on the fact that no one anticipates the attack. If you are even a lit bit aware it will help you survive the worst imaginable scenario.

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